
Mani Nilchiani - 02.08.2017


  • I write code at Yieldmo
  • I make art when not doing that
  • I make sounds when not doing either
  • I typically have no idea WTF I'm doing
  • OK enough about me.

🗒️ Talk Structure

  • Writing software for art
  • Making tools for art
  • Browser as platform
  • Diffy.js
  • 👶 My first OSS
  • 🎥 Demo time

1. Writing software for art

Procedural thinking, Interaction Design
Vera Molnar
Manfred Mohr
Camille Utterback
Golan Levin & collaborators

2. Making tools for art

Much like making your own brush 🖌️
P.S You will love the tool you built. No matter how shitty it is.
Processing, OpenFrameworks, P5.js

High level utils + addon echosystems

3. Browser as platform

The sky is the limit!
OK, Call Stack is the limit.
The Night
Fullscreen Google Chrome + Webcam + Projector

4. diffy.js

Quick and dirty motion detection:
  • Where did motion happen?
  • How much?

import { create } from 'diffyjs';

const diffy = create({
  resolution: { x: 15, y: 10 },
  sensitivity: 0.2,
  threshold: 25,
  debug: true,
  containerClassName: 'my-diffy-container',
  sourceDimensions: { w: 130, h: 100 },
  onFrame: (matrix) => { /* good things */ }

compare(frame1, frame2) {
  const data1 = frame1.data;
  const data2 = frame2.data;
  const length = data1.length;
  const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);

    sensitivity: this.sensitivity,
    threshold: this.threshold,
    width: this.sourceWidth,
    height: this.sourceHeight
ArrayBuffer and TypedArray
🤔 I wonder what unsigned integers clamped at 255 can represent

drawBlendImageFromBuffer(buffer) {
      new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer)

  this.blendCanvasCtx.putImageData(this.blendImageData, 0, 0);
  this.previousImageData = this.currentImageData;

😄 [Bit]wise guy, eh?

// bitwise Math.round
export const round = (number) => (number + .5) >> 0;

// butwise Math.abs
export const abs = (value) => (value ^ (value >> 31)) - (value >> 31);

Up Next!
🙄 React. What else did you expect?

import Diffy from 'diffy-react'

  resolution = {{ x: 15, y: 10 }}
  sensitivity = { 0.2 },
  threshold = { 25 },
  debug = {true },
  containerClassName = "my-diffy-container"
  sourceDimensions = {{ w: 130, h: 100 }}
  onFrame = { (matrix) => { /* good things */}} />

GPU FTW ... Also For The Math
🐵 MaiaVictor / WebMonkeys

// Creates a WebMonkeys object
const monkeys = require("WebMonkeys")(); // on the browser, call WebMonkeys() instead

// Sends an array of numbers to the GPU
monkeys.set("nums", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]);

// Employs 16 monkeys to work in parallel on the task of squaring each number
monkeys.work(16, "nums(i) := nums(i) * nums(i);");

// Receives the result back

// output: [ 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256 ]

5. 👶 My first OSS

Where intense insecurity and glory collide.
Nothing is obvious












6. 🎥 Demo Time!

Thank you!

Mani Nilchiani, Fb. 2017
